Ophrys lutea

Ophrys lutea Cav. in Icon. [Cavanilles] 2:46. t. 160 (1793).

Arachnites luteus (Cav.) Tod., Orchid. Sicul.: 95 (1842).

This species was first described by Cavanilles from Spain in 1753 and is probably the most familiar of the “yellow bee orchids” throughout the Mediterranean.

As may be seen from the pictures, the flowers of Ophrys lutea can be highly variable in structure, color and size but there are nonetheless several characteristics which are generally consistent throughout the populations. The flowers are the largest of the group and further, its the only species where flowers are held at an angle of 45 degrees (or less) to the stem.

A second feature widely taken to be a reliable distinguishing characteristic, is the longitudinal basal prominence, which create both a deep central groove and a strong kink at the base of the labellum. The lateral lobes are rounded and the sinuses usually (though by no means always) closed or overlapping the median lobe, creating the impression of a complete wavy yellow margin. This species has a long flowering season, running from February to June.

Ophrys lutea has a widespread distribution that takes in Atlantic, Mediterranean and Adriatic countries.

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