Lleida – Buseu project

“The challenge of the project is to demonstrate the social and economic viability of the management of the natural heritage of the area compared to other unsustainable projects in space and time that could mortgage the area in the long term.”
Jordi Canut

The objectives of the Buseu Project are:
Management of the territory as a biological corridor between the natural spaces of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park and Serra de Boumort-Collegats.
Consolidation of the Natura 2000 Alt Pirineu area.
Landscape, habitat and species recovery.
Deepen the knowledge of the values ​​of the area (natural, cultural, ethnological, historical and heritage).
Consolidation of the town center as the logistics center of the project through a Special Plan.

There is currently a Tourist Housing (HUTL 000157) that acts as the logistics center of the Buseu project, the so-called Casa Felip. The buildings in the best condition are also being consolidated in order to develop other phases of the project in the future.

The Buseu project (company l’Altre Pallars SL) is part of the XCT (Land Stewardship Network), as well as the “Iberaves” Initiative, of sustainable ornithological tourism promoted by the SEO / Birdlife entity. The whole area is also part of the WE (Wildlife Estates) project of the ELO (European Landowners Organization), the first in Catalonia and the Alpine Biogeographic Region in Spain. The Buseu area is part of the PEIN Alt Pirineu area and the Natura 2000 network (Alt Pallars area).


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